Please note that it is expected that Induction will be held in person this year and this page now remains as an important resource for students and parents to make informed decisions regarding subject choice.
Hello, my name is Mary Costello, I am Principal here in St Patrick’s Comprehensive School and it is my very great pleasure to welcome you to our Virtual Induction programme. In securing a place in St Patrick’s Comprehensive School you can now move on to the next stage in the process – modern foreign language and option subjects selection. This is an exciting time when all the educational opportunities ahead of you become a reality. Our unique Induction Programmeoffers students the opportunity to experience ‘a day in the life of a Comp student.’
In the links below you now have access to individual subject presentations for all our Junior Cycle option subjects and our two modernforeignlanguages – French & German. I recommend that you watch each video, read the accompanying Junior Cycle Subject Prospectusand visit the Junior Cycle section of our school website.Review our Senior Cycle Subject Prospectus which is available on our website and explores progression opportunities for each subject. These will provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about your optionsubjects and foreign language choices for Junior Cycle. There is also a link below if you wish to submit any specific queries – they will be directed to subject teachers or Career Guidance as appropriate. Please remember to:
Complete all preferences from 1 to 8 – 1 for your top preference and 8 for your lowest preference.
Submit your preference form on time.
All that remains is for me to invite you to enjoy our Virtual Induction programme and we look forward to welcoming you to St Patrick's Comprehensive School next September.
Click on the image to learn more about that subject.
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